Leonard Nkunzimana
Leonard Nkunzimana
Executive Director
GTL International
GTL International

Sales Forecasting Analysis

Positions available: 3 We are developing a solar program in our country partners (Madagascar). The project will target 2000 households and each one will be asked to pay a given amount each month. We want to develop a business model that take into the account the household income and other financial resources to support the project. They are poor and they do not have enough income to pay, even though we know the social, economic and ecological advantages for them and in the coummunities. Government, NGOs and Private actors are willing to support, and contribute abit to reduce the cost of the project. This task will involve analyzing organizational assets such as business plan, and pricing/promotional information, carbon markets, available subsidies in the world. We would like you to construct a business plan of Solar energy program in that Country. The project will be funded by Global affairs of Canada, NGOs and the Governement of Madagascar. You should focus on: Cost effectiveness of a solar project in the given country The cash flows (outflows and inflows) of the project What activities should be develped to help households to be able to increase their income what are other sources of funding opportunities that may be used to support the project? We want to develop a viable and reliable Project The payback period should be less than 10 years How the project impact will be sustainable ( Ecological impacts in terms of Green housegas emissions saved(tones of CO2), economic impacts, social impacts?

Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 4
GTL International
GTL International

SEO and Social Media Strategy

Positions available: 2 teams of 3 persons Our team is looking for a social media marketing wizard who can help us drive more traffic and improve our SEO positioning. The primary project requirements include: Keyword analysis to determine relevant search terms to our organization A strategy document to outline: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) requirements to ensure our organization appears on the first page of Google for relevant keywords Social media requirements to increase the number of followers/likes and share Content Calendar Execution: Timely deployment of all our social media content to drive maximum traffic to our site Creating engaging content for prominent media websites Organise a webinar We’re excited to work with students who can help us not only brainstorm, but also execute a strategy to achieve: Improve the wellbeing of communities , Innovation, food security, the use of New Technologie of Communication and Information in agriculture and energy value chains in our countries partners( Rwanda, Malawi, Madagascar and Ethiopia) This is a great project for students to prove their digital marketing expertise to future employers, as the impact of their work on this project can be easily measured and communicated.

Matches 3
Category Marketing - general + 4
GTL International
GTL International

Project design and management

Project name: What work for Financial Inclusion to supporting a start-up project for youth and women entrepreneurs in developing countries, in the context of health and climate risks? We are having challenges of building the capacities of institutions, youth and women entrepreneurs in our country partners (Africa). We are seeking an appropriate model to help them learning latest technologies, tools and methods that would help them to have access to funding for their start-up projects. Another question is how to sustain our approach , updates and continue creating impacts in the world ?

Matches 2
Category Communications + 4