Abiodun Bakare
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Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

(VFC Project) Careerin Tech Online Career Fair - Marketing + Event Planning

PROJECT DESCRIPTION Careerin Tech Society is a non-profit that helps people develop their careers in the tech sector. Careerin is organizing online career fairs to connect tech talents open for new jobs and tech companies that are hiring and we also invite tech professionals to share career insights or best practices in different topics. Careerin is using videos and online events to help candidates learn more about tech companies, their mission, culture, and people in the teams so they can find the companies that they are aligned with. During the online career fair, companies will have founders or hiring managers that talk about what their companies are about in videos and they will have online meeting sessions with candidates that are interested in joining them. Candidates can create a self-intro video on our platform that can be accessed by the companies that they are interested in, so they can tell their stories in person in the video instead of being another resume in the pile. The career insights sessions can help students or people that are new to the tech industry to learn about the different career paths, while the best practices sessions are good for professional development and experience sharing with their peers in the tech industry. Venture for Canada Intrapreneurs will help us in organizing and running our monthly Careerin Tech online event. HOW MANY STUDENT INTRAPRENEURS WILL THIS PROJECT ACCOMMODATE? 5 TIME COMMITMENT PER STUDENT: 70 hours KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES Event planning and management Marketing and promotion Outreach to potential tech companies and professionals IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES:* Roles include: Event sessions host - Identify and recruit speakers to share career insights or other topics in their roles (HR/Marketing/Sales/Software Engineering etc), host these online sessions by introducing their speakers if it's a webinar or interviewer if it's a fireside chat interview Job fair organizer - Reach out to tech companies that are hiring Marketing + PR - Event promotion in our social media channels, other tech communities, and tech medias Sponsorship - Reach out to potential sponsors to secure sponsorship for our events (professional firms, tech companies, etc) FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES: Organizing and running our monthly Careerin Tech online event PROJECT MENTOR NAME: Kenneth Ip - CEO of Careerin Tech Society

Matches 9
Category Communications + 4

GetintheLoop - Student Outreach and Engagement

We are a mobile app that helps connect local businesses to local consumers and with the goal of making it easier and more rewarding for people to support local businesses. We are looking for a team to help us reach out to the University Student population within Halifax to educate and inform them about the free mobile app and encourage them to use the platform to discover and support local offers, events and experiences. We will be focusing on Students as we feel this is a consumer group who will greatly benefit from the platform (free app, easy to use, help learn about a new city, discover, places to go and things to do in Halifax, save money while supporting local) We will look to engage this demographic through various means; digital, print/traditional media and face to face. We are looking for a team of creative outgoing individuals who will help us find unique ways to communicate and engage with students and will help drive our target of increasing our consumer adoption rate within the HRM. HOW MANY STUDENT INTRAPRENEURS WILL THIS PROJECT ACCOMMODATE? 3 TIME COMMITMENT PER STUDENT/TEMPS DE TRAVAIL PAR ÉTUDIANT: 70 hours KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: Face to face engagement Engagement via social platforms Assist in the organization and outreach of events IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS: * Student Outreach & Engagement Specialists x3 FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: 150 app downloads per student 15 qualified meetings booked IN WHAT LANGUAGE WILL THIS PROJECT BE PROVIDED/DANS QUELLE LANGUE CE PROJET SERA-T-IL FOURNI: (English/Français) English PROJECT MENTOR NAME/NOM DU MENTOR DU PROJET: Iftekhar Ahmed

Matches 1
Category Communications + 3
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Research and Implement Online Teaching Techniques

PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: [ Be sure to include details about your organization’s culture to sum up why a student would love to work with you/N’oubliez pas d’ajouter des détails sur la culture de votre organisation pour résumer pourquoi un étudiant voudrait collaborer avec vous.] EduTutor is a social venture that provides affordable and quality tutoring to students. Tutoring has become quite expensive and our goal is to be another option for students who are seeking extra help. We are looking for a group of students who can help us make our online tutoring more efficient, determine issues that may arise and finding solutions to the potential issues. Students will participate in the tutoring sessions. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: Examine current online teaching techniques to apply to EduTutor Determine the best effective methods to teach concepts online to students Implement and try techniques online with students to determiner effectiveness IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Please note appropriate projects can accommodate most students, regardless of field of study or experience. We may not be able to fill these roles exactly. Veuillez noter que les projets appropriés peuvent accueillir la plupart des étudiants, quel que soit leur domaine d'études ou leur expérience. Nous ne pourrons peut-être pas remplir ces rôles exactement. Research: Students must be able to research online teaching and its effectiveness during the pandemic through an analysis of competitors and academic papers Students need to be able to observe, examine and critique current online teaching techniques Students will suggest the best online teaching techniques and also implement these recommendations FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: At the end of the project, students will have done research on online learning during the pandemic, recommend ways to improve online teaching at EduTutor, and implement these recommendations WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STUDENTS YOUR PROJECT COULD ACCOMMODATE?/QUEL EST LE NOMBRE MAXIMUM D'ÉTUDIANTS QUE VOTRE PROJET PEUT ACCUEILLIR? * Please note we cannot guarantee this number of students for your project, but we will do our best to accommodate this request/Veuillez noter que nous ne pouvons garantir ce nombre d'étudiants pour votre projet; nous ferons de notre mieux pour répondre à votre requête. 5 students

Matches 2
Category Community engagement + 4